For those looking for a more personal approach. Meet over coffee with two members of our volunteer group who have experience in what you are going through.
An individualized visit with two members of our volunteer group who may have experience with what you are going through. We recognize that in a group session it is not always easy to bring up what you are going through or ask questions that are personal to you.
We will meet you for one hour at a local coffee shop within the Durham Region, somewhere that is mutually convenient. To sign up for a Peer 2 Peer Meeting please fill out the form below. For more information please email us and a member of Peer To Peer will confidentially email you back.
Appointments are normally 2 weeks from request as it takes a little time to coordinate.
We are a community-based organization and volunteer run.
If you are in crisis - please visit the nearest emergency room.
This registration process can take up to 2 weeks and not intended for emergencies or crisis situations.
Your local Distress Centre or Emergency room is the best place to go in that situation.
Peer to peer support
Peer support is where individuals who have lived experience of being connected to the LGBTQ community; they themselves identify, a family member, a friend or an ally who has some knowledge gained in life. The PFLAG Volunteers on this team provide support or resources to others who are dealing with similar issues. By listening empathetically, sharing their experiences and offering suggestions based on that experience, people with lived experience of these issues are uniquely able to support others. We do not provide professional counselling nor are our volunteers in the peer to peer team trained or qualified to be counselors.
We take the information you provided and try to match the closest peer we can who is available. We meet in a public space such as a coffee shop and try to pick a seat that could be more private. We meet up in a public space for your safety and ours. There are always two of us on the visit with you and you are welcome to bring someone along if that makes you more comfortable.
For more information, we welcome you to email us using the button below.